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Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a pedagogical method of recovery and self-development: it enables us to transform disadvantageous postures and movements habits into advantageous ones, to free ourselves from superfluous tensions and tenseness and thereby transform our own health.

The formally simple principles of the Alexander Technique provide guidance on how to move according to our anatomical design; how to use our joints, muscles, our whole organism including our mind in the way our natural disposition suggests. Pain and stress are often the result of unconsciously existing detrimental movement and behavioural habits. 

Their fundamental improvement has a positive effect on our health and well-being in many ways: we stand, walk and sit more upright and at the same time more relaxed, our postures and movements appear more graceful, we relieve our joints, release tension and thus improve our vegetative bodily functions. We experience greater psychological well-being, emotional balance and mental clarity.

"People do not decide their futures.
They decide their habits and their habits decide about their futures." (F.M. Alexander)

A method of (un)learning

With the help of the Alexander Technique principles, we strip away what impairs the natural functioning of our organism. We learn to leave our organism, which already works largely autonomously, ‘in peace’ so that regeneration and recovery can happen by itself.

What happens in a private lesson?

Together we get to the bottom of movement and posture patterns. Through my words and hands, I will accompany you in everyday positions (standing, sitting, lying down) and simple movements (sitting down, walking). I will give you impulses to help you recognise and calm down habitual, superfluous muscle activity. You will gradually refine your perception and your movements will become clearer, more powerful and smoother. You will soon be able to transfer your new flexibility to more complex activities such as PC work, jogging, dancing, making music and much more.


The learning process of the Alexander Technique is actually a process of unlearning superfluous tensions and subtle stress reactions. It is characterised by the elements of ‘awareness, pausing and alignment’. 


We expand our attention from "what" we do to "how" we do something: noticing our muscle tone, the position of our head or our breathing while we do something with our hands is the first step.


If we want to change for the better, we must be able to stop reacting to stimuli in the usual automated way and stop carrying out plans in the usual way. Pausing between an impulse and carrying out a reaction opens up a new space in which habits can be recognized and modified. You don't do something in the usual way, nor in a different way, but... not at all.


And now? In the search for a new quality in activity, the appropriate alignment provides orientation. The connection between head, neck and torso is of primary importance as an organizational principle in living beings that has been around for thousands of years. The interweaving of mind and body makes directional thoughts and the intention for physical alignment fruitful. A mental attitude is cultivated that is dedicated to the "how" instead of the "what".

 In principle, everyone can benefit from the Alexander Technique, as it promotes the natural order in body and mind, regardless of the state we are in. Positive effects can regularly unfold in the following areas:

Back, Neck & 
Joint Pain

Muscles, spine and joints are relieved and can regenerate.
(see studies on back & neck pain & AT)

Self-Development & Wellbeing

Diffuse heaviness and effort in everyday life can give way to effortlessness and joy.

Pressure to Perform & Stress

Instead of reacting with stress, we can choose a good use of ourselves in the face of various stimuli.

Sports & Activity

Friction and wear can give way to smoothness and efficiency.


Performing Arts
& Music

Artists and musicians can access all the range of their artistic expressions 
 (*Reimbursement options*)

Movement Disorder

Conscious movement control can improve the symptoms  
(see study Parkinson's & AT)


Frederick Matthias Alexander

F.M. Alexander (1869-1955) was born in Australia. He was a passionate reciter who was threatened with occupational disability due to chronic hoarseness, which led him to develop his ‘technique’. 

He formulated principles that promote the natural coordination, tension regulation and self-organisation of our organism and thus indirectly improve our health. His technique guides us on how to permanently integrate these principles into our everyday habits. 

Prominent clients of F.M. Alexander included John Dewey, Aldous Huxley and George Bernard Shaw.
Contemporary personalities such as Ralph Fiennes and Sting use the Alexander Technique for themselves:

In the hands of a good teacher the Technique is invaluable to anyone who seeks to maintain health, physical posture and alignment. (Ralph Fiennes, actor)




Alexander Technique Munich
Alexander Technique Munich
Alexander Technique Munich

Clinical studies (excerpts)

on the effectiveness of Alexander Technique

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